6 Years Old!!
Dear Grace,
As I’m typing this letter, you are reading it out loud to me. You have grown so much in the last year. Reading, Writing, Addition, Subtraction. You are very good in math and very hard on yourself when it comes to your school work. This comes as a surprise to me, because I was just the opposite in school.
You just finished Kindergarten a couple of weeks ago. Every week, we’d go through your school work…and every week you’d come home with a stack of papers on Friday – most of which were perfect. But you’d always manage to find the few you had red X’s open and comment how you ‘got it all wrong.’ I’d try to place the emphasis on all the good work you did, but you really weren’t hearing it. As I always say…”I’m not asking you to be perfect, just do your best.” And I honestly believe you have.
To say you were a social butterfly at school is an understatement. Your friends were not limited to the Kindergarten class, you made friends with the Pre-K class – as well as ‘big kids’ all the way up to the 8th graders. As I walked you to class in the mornings, you were always greeted by most everyone, by name – even parents.
You are still known by everyone at the restaurant, as well. You have now infiltrated the entire place, finally figuring out that Vincent and Little Gino are really where it’s at…and you use this knowledge to get anything you want there. You seem very interested in how things work in the kitchen. You ask a lot of questions about cooking when you’re there. You also love to help out in the kitchen at home.
You have no problem walking up to a table of adults and talking to them, especially in a place you feel comfortable. With that being said, new places or places with new people seem to really intimidate you..or as you call it “scare you.” You can have a very sassy attitude at times and can still talk trash with the rest of us. You get it honestly from me and Daddy. We focus a lot on manners and how you speak to people.. because no matter what, we want you to be polite.
You are still in soccer. The season just wrapped up a few weeks ago. You like it..but I wouldn’t say that you love it. I think you like the fact that you are able to see your friends and run around with them, more than anything. You are very active at school and at home. You have a hard time sitting still. Always curious, always inquisitive. You are constantly doing something – and sometimes into things you shouldn’t be into, because of your curiosity.
Physically, you are more beautiful than I ever dreamed you would be. Your skin is perfect and your hair is curly and brown with a lot of red highlights in the sun, especially in the summer. You are already at odds with your curly hair, wishing it was straight..and not so ‘poofy.’ You have your own style and you like to dress yourself..model your clothes and wear makeup. You are always getting into my makeup and trying different things.
You love drawing, painting, telling stories, acting, singing..and entertaining in general. You still have that very dry sense of humor that you get from me…and you are very sensitive, just like me. You love your babies and take care of them all the time, packing them around in a basket and putting them to bed or dressing them. You also love all animals and have a very maternal side to you. You are always thinking about your friends and creating artwork for them…or asking to call them.
I have not been working in an office for several months now, so I get to spend a lot more time with you. I can honestly say these last few months have been some of the best in my life. It’s so nice to spend time with you and truly get to know you – not just in the 2-3 hours after work and when we’re getting dressed in the mornings. We’ve done so much together lately…and we’ve had so much fun. Every year around your birthday I have always felt like I was missing out on so much with you. This year it was a little easier to stomach that you are growing up so fast.
Favorite Music: Britney Spears, Prince, brass bands and anything live. You like playing the drums and I hope to be able to help you explore this interest more very soon.
Favorite TV Shows: iCarly, Tru Jackson & Suite Life on Deck
I could not be any more proud of you, Grace. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t stop and think of how thankful I am for you in my life. You are a blessing to all of us.
Happy Birthday!
I Love you,